Walt Wright - American Surrealist - Sold, Donated & Gifts
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Archive of Sold, Donated or gifts. Not a complete list of all paintings sold.
These are original works of art. All copyrights are reserved by the current owners.
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Four small paintings
Just For Giggles, Lladro's Rooster, Imagine Dragon, and Hawaii Gold (2019) Donated to The Arts Depot in Abingdon, VA.
Acrylic on stretch canvas, each painting is 6 x 6
Artist perspective "Just For Giggles" - PDF
Artist perspective "Lladro's Rooster" - PDF
Artist perspective "Imagine Dragon" - PDF
Artist perspective "Hawaii Gold" - PDF

Bear Paw..... Never far from A Thicket..... Diablo Toro..... Wolf Clan #2..... A Spider Named Charlotte
Bear Paw, Never far From A Thicket, Diablo Toro, Wolf Clan 2, A Spider Named Charlotte (2018) Donated to The Arts Depot in Abingdon, VA.
Acrylic on stretch canvas, each painting is 6 x 6
Artist perspective "Bear Paw" - PDF
Artist perspective "Never far From A Thicket" - PDF
Artist perspective "Diablo Toro" - PDF
Artist perspective "Wolf Clan 2" - PDF
Artist perspective "A Spider Named Charlotte" - PDF

The Second Day
The Second Day (2013) Owned by Charles and Irene Meade, Abingdon, VA
Acrylic on stretch canvas 20 x 16
Artist perspective - PDF

The Mystic Koi - 3D.
The Mystic Koi - 3D (2015) Owned by Amie Reavis, Siler City, NC
Acrylic on stretch canvas 12 x 12
Artist perspective - PDF

Son Of Krypton - 3D.
Son Of Krypton - 3D (2015) Owned by Kaleb Allen, Hamptonville, NC
Acrylic on stretch canvas 10 x 8
Artist perspective - PDF

A Gathering of Familiars
A Gathering of Familiars (2016) Anonymous buyer.
Acrylic on stretch canvas 10 x 8
Artist perspective - PDF

Double Luck
Double Luck (2017) Owned by Kennith Epling, Abingdon, VA
Acrylic on stretch canvas 6 x 6
Artist perspective - PDF

WolfClan (2016) Owned by Amie Reavis, Siler City, NC
Acrylic on stretch canvas 6 x 6
Artist perspective - PDF

After The Blizzard
After The Blizzard (1988) Owned by Bradley and Peyton Allen, Boonville, NC
Acrylic on stretch canvas 20 x 16
Artist perspective - PDF

Jungle Love..... Snowy Night..... BB8, Star Wars
Jungle Love, Snowy Night & BB8,Star Wars (2017) Donated to The Arts Depot in Abingdon, VA.
Acrylic on stretch canvas, each painting is 6x6.
Artist perspective "Jungle Love" - PDF
Artist perspective "Snowy Night" - PDF
Artist perspective "BB8, Star Wars" - PDF

Painting of Mt. Pilot (NC)
Sharing The Pilot's Blanket (2014) Owned by Bradley and Jessica Allen, Hamptonville, NC.
Acrylic on canvas board 20 x 16
Artist perspective - PDF

Painting by Walt Wright
Eclipse (2015) Owned by David and Anna Cisco, Richmond, VA.
Acrylic on stretch canvas 24 x 18
Artist perspective - PDF

Jurassic 3D
Jurassic 3D (2015) Owned by Kaleb Allen, Hamptonville, NC.
Acrylic on canvas 10 x 8
Artist perspective - PDF

Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar
Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar (2014) Owned by Kaleb Allen, Hamptonville, NC
Acrylic on stretch canvas 8 x 10
Artist perspective - PDF

Hummingbird..... Dragonflies..... Batman
Hummingbird, Dragonflies & Batman (2016) Donated to The Arts Depot in Abingdon, VA.
Acrylic on stretch canvas, each painting is 6x6.
Artist perspective "Hummingbird" - PDF
Artist perspective "Dragonflies" - PDF
Artist perspective "Batman" - PDF

Dragon..... Sword In The Stone..... R2D2, Star Wars
Dragon, Sword In The Stone & R2D2, Star Wars (2016) Donated to The Arts Depot in Abingdon, VA.
Acrylic on stretch canvas, each painting is 6x6.
Artist perspective "Dragon" - PDF
Artist perspective "Sword In The Stone" - PDF
Artist perspective "R2D2, Star Wars" - PDF

Wipe Out! Shrimp surfing.
Wipe Out! (2015) Owned by K. Sutherland, Wytheville, VA.
Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10
Artist perspective - PDF

Joy Ride, goldfish riding a bubble.
Joy Ride (2015) Owned by K. Sutherland, Wytheville, VA.
Acrylic on canvas 8 x 10
Artist perspective - PDF

Born To Be Wild, Gecko lizard flying on a leaf.
Born To Be Wild (2015) Anonymous purchaser, Glade Springs, VA.
Acrylic on canvas 10 x 8
Artist perspective - PDF

The Valentine Tree
The Valentine Tree (2015) Owned by Kay Dunn, Yadkinville, NC.
Acrylic on stretch canvas 7 x 5
Artist perspective - PDF

Corona, Macaw parrot.
Cardinal Sin (2015) Owned by Private Collector, Abingdon, VA.
Acrylic on stretch canvas with 3D extension, 7 x 5
Artist perspective - PDF

Horse Play - Valentine..... Open Arms - Valentine
Horse Play & Open Arms (2015) Donated to The Arts Depot in Abingdon, VA.
Acrylic on stretch canvas, each painting is 6x6.
Artist perspective "Horse Play" - PDF
Artist perspective "Open Arms" - PDF

The Last Leaf
The Last Leaf (2014) Owned by Kenny and Robin Reavis, Siler City, NC.
Acrylic on stretch canvas 8 x 10
Artist perspective - PDF

Rooster painting
Autumn Strut (2014) Owned by Daryl and Frankie Allen, Hamptonville, NC.
Acrylic on stretch canvas 12 x 12
Artist perspective - PDF

Bear Clan
Bear Clan (2014) Owned by Kennith Epling, Abingdon, VA.
Acrylic on prepared outdoor canvas stretched over fallen tree stump, 3 1/2 feet across.
Artist perspective - PDF

Never Stranded, Atlantic Coast
Never Stranded, Atlantic Coast (1985) Owned by Robin & Kenny Reavis, Siler City, NC.
Acrylic on stretch canvas 20 x 16.
Artist perspective - PDF

Mountain Snow
Mountain Snow (2014) Owned by Joseph Cranfill, Yadkinville, NC.
Acrylic on metal.
Artist perspective - PDF

Epling Family Coat of Arms
Epling Family Coat Of Arms (2012) Owned by Kennith Epling, Abingdon, VA.
Acrylic on canvas board 16 x 20.
Artist perspective - PDF

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